Tuesday 1 January 2013

12 New Year resolutions for a better relationship in 2013

As the New Year approaches, everyone starts coming up with the resolutions they wish to pursue in the coming year. People set goals for business, career, health and fitness, but what about relationships? According to the relationship expert Dr. Kamal Khurana, “For a lifelong healthy relationship, acceptance is the key. Love is to accept and comfort your partner.”
So, let’s explore some New Year resolutions that a couple should make to have a healthy and a happy relationship forever

 Stop fretting: 
In a relationship, we tend to take our partner for granted. If there is something that is bothering you, stop picking up petty fights, instead have a talk with your partner and clear the air. Small backbiting comments tend to erode a relationship.


 Pay attention:
When you are with your loved one, make it a point to be with them wholly. Do not divert attention on other things such as emails, texts or IM’s. In this age of technology we tend to keep multitasking even when our partner is talking. Make it a point to change this habit and listen to your partner with full attention.

Show gratitude:
This year make it a point to show gratitude to your partner for their efforts. Here are some simple ways to start. Such things will boost your relationship tremendously. Your partner will feel appreciated and would make more efforts to make the relationship last.

 Eat healthy:
It is common to see couples putting weight on after getting married. Make a resolution to eat healthy this year. Also, both the partners should hit the gym together for motivation and support.

Stop criticising: 
When we spend a lot of time with someone, it becomes routine and we tend to ignore the good things about them and start criticising them. This year make sure not to criticise your spouse for small things.

Be a better listener: 
Don’t just listen and nod in a conversation, instead take out time and sit down to listen to your partner’s problems and worries. This is a great step in strengthening a relationship

Say- I love you: 
Although this may sound cliché, but it is an important part of any relationship. Do not just say a casual ‘I love you’, but instead look deep in your partner's eyes and say in a way that you actually mean it. It will make your partner extremely happy and the relationship more strong.

Have fun together:
Adults find little or no time to indulge in recreational activities. Therefore take efforts to infuse some playtime in your everyday life. Have pillow-fights or play board games, role play etc. to make your time together fun and interesting.

Have a date night:
Busy couples are unable to find time to go out and relive the time they spent together previously. Therefore take efforts and make it a point to have 'date nights' regularly in order to show your partner how much you care and how the romance is still deep in your relationship.

Learn to say- No:
There may be times when you may disagree but play along just to make your spouse happy. But in many cases it causes a build-up of resentment leading to fights. So, learn to say 'No' politely, where you are unhappy.

Indulge in charity: 
Indulge in charitable work throughout the year along with your partner, as it has a positive effect and will give you a good feeling.

More and better sex:
Physical intimacy plays an important role for a relationship to work. The busy lifestyle causes a loss in intimacy and it merely becomes an act. Take efforts to make your sex time fun and interesting.Do not make sex a task, instead enjoy the time together.

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